Adding gold and silver to stockmarketeye
Adding gold and silver to stockmarketeye

adding gold and silver to stockmarketeye

The price of silver has been increasing steadily for several years since the supply of silver cannot meet the high and constant demand. In 2007, 23 per cent of the world’s output of silver was processed as industrial metal in the American industry, 16 per cent in India and Japan, and 7 per cent in Italy. Because silver kills bacteria and other microbes, it is also required in food technology and pharmaceutics. It is worked into items of jewelry or items of everyday use such as cutlery but is also used in electrical engineering and photography. The white precious metal is used in many industries. Until the 20th century silver was more important than gold. This is why silver has a particularly high political and economic significance among the precious metals. The Greeks produced the first silver coins and used them as a means of payment. Silver has been used for money since the 6th century B.C. Silver was also referred to by the Egyptians as “lunar metal”. Back then, silver could still be found on the earth’s surface or at shallow depths, meaning that no complex extraction was required. and was already processed by the people living at that time. Silver has been known since about the 5th millennium B.C. As a result only around 20,000 tonnes of silver are obtained each year. In nature, silver ores are frequently permeated by lead ores. Around 70 per cent of silver production occurs during copper, lead and zinc extraction. In its pure form the white precious metal is even rarer than gold.

adding gold and silver to stockmarketeye

Silver frequently occurs during the extraction of base metals.

Adding gold and silver to stockmarketeye